Home Fitness Fitter And Stronger At 40 Than At 20

Fitter And Stronger At 40 Than At 20

by jessicalilyfitness.com

It is absolutely possible to be fitter and stronger at 40 than at 20. I turned 40 yesterday and I can’t lie, it feels a bit weird. I had adjusted to being in my 30s, they were my best years and they felt like the perfect ratio between young and old. A sweet spot where you aren’t young but you also aren’t old.

Like everyone says, you don’t feel any different as you age. Of course you become wiser and your outlooks on certain things can change due to life experiences but you still feel like the same you inside which means the physical changes you start to see in your body can be hard to adjust to. I have started getting grey hairs which I’m actually really excited about but the signs of aging in my skin is harder to accept. I am trying to embrace it though as I know growing older is a privilege.

I find I am also asking myself if I’m too old for certain things a lot more too, I know it shouldn’t matter and you can do anything you like, at any age, but our society has certain views on what is acceptable and if you go outside of those boundaries then you can really stand out. I’m a bit of a rebel though and hate following rules so can’t see me worrying about this too much. Although having teenage children definitely makes you aware of your age and they are quite happy to point out that no, you’re not young and cool anymore, despite your best efforts to show them otherwise!

I am excited about what my 40s will bring though. I have already noticed some positive changes, I find that my motivation is much higher and I have more of a no time to lose attitude. If I have a goal then I take action on it straight away instead of waiting for the right time, the only right time is now. Hence why I’m learning the front splits and how to hold a handstand.

Another huge factor I have to remember is that I am so much fitter and stronger at 40 than I was at 20 or even at 30. I didn’t start going to the gym until I was 34 and before that my strength and fitness was terrible.

I think a lot of people believe that you are at your peak fitness levels in your 20s and 30s but at the age of 40 I feel like I’m just getting started. Being part of the CrossFit and calisthenics community you get to see so many people staying fit and strong right into their 90s and it’s so inspiring. It’s never too late to start your fitness journey and it’s the best way to stay young, both in your body and mind.

The single reason I stayed consistent in my fitness routine was the benefits it made to my mind and everything else that came after was just a side effect of that really. It helps with all mental health conditions and is the best form of stress relief. If you can make that your reason for going then you will want to go every day, no matter what age you are.

So to anyone feeling like they are too old to start their fitness journey, you’re definitely not. Just pick something, it can be anything; dance classes, CrossFit, running, calisthenics, yoga, weight training, pole fitness, skipping… try things until you find something you want to stick to and then see how much fitter and stronger at 40 and beyond you can become!

Here is a video of me doing my 40th birthday pull ups…


Today is my 40th birthday! I have mixed feelings about it as I loved being in my 30’s, it was my best decade and it felt like the perfect mixture of not young but not old if you see what I mean?! But I’m excited for this next decade, I have so many fitness goals and I am going to be doing pull ups for as long as I possibly can 💪💪💪 #pullup #pullups #pullupchallenge #calisthenics #calisthenicsgirls #bodyweighttraining #calisthenicsmotivation #calisthenic #crossfit #crossfitter #fitover40 #fitnessgoals #40thbirthday #swiftiesoftiktok #swifties #dressup #birthdaydress

♬ Fortnight – Taylor Swift

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