Home FRONT SPLITS Can I Learn The Front Splits At The Age Of 40?

Can I Learn The Front Splits At The Age Of 40?

by jessicalilyfitness.com

Front splits has been something I’ve wanted to do for years but I never really thought about it seriously as I’m just not flexible in any way and never have been. I wasn’t a child who could bust out cartwheels, handstands or any kind of gymnastics movements and I certainly never did the splits!

But I’m turning 40 in a few weeks and I figured if not now, then when? So I decided to go for it and see how long it takes me. As I have never done them before I have zero muscle memory to rely on getting me there quicker and I am very far off, as you will see in the photos below, so I’m not expecting it to be quick but that will make it all the more rewarding when I do eventually achieve it.

For the last two weeks I have been spending 10-15 minutes a day working on stretches and front split holds, I sometimes have a day off but am aiming for 6 days a week minimum as apparently that’s needed to see progress. It can still take anywhere up to a year or more so I’m really in for the long haul but I thought it would be fun to keep track of my progress and share it incase anyone else feels inspired to give it a go. It’s never too late to learn something new!

This is where I am now…

Side 1…

Front splits, can I learn to do them at the age of 40?

Side 2…

Front splits, can I learn to do them at the age of 40?

I wouldn’t say I have a ‘good side’ yet and am going to spend equal time stretching both to see if one does end up feeling easier.

I have been using a front splits stretching video on YouTube by Anna McNulty and I have also been doing some PNF stretching using a few different videos on YouTube. I will put together a list of my favourite videos and share them at some point, when I have seen a bit more progress and know what is working the best.

If you want to follow my progress then I am posting weekly videos on my Instagram / TikTok.

Learning front splits at the age of 40

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